House on fire caused by a dryer fire

What Causes Dryer Fires and How Do You Prevent Them?

There are over 15,000 clothes dryer fires every year resulting in numerous deaths, injuries and millions of dollars in property damage. The majority of these could be prevented through annual dryer maintenance.

The National Fire Protection Agency recommends cleaning your dryer’s ductwork once per year. This is especially true if you do a lot of laundry. This annual maintenance task is performed by pulling out the dryer, removing the ductwork behind it and either replacing the ductwork or cleaning out all the lint using a dryer brush.

If you are unable to perform this task each year, Get Dwell has a $129 Dryer Duct Cleaning Service which will not only reduce the risk of a fire hazard, but it will maximize your dryer’s performance and minimize your electric bill at the same time. Contact us or call 847-922-3418 to get on the schedule.

NBC TODAY Show Dryer Fire Prevention

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