This form helps nail down a key proviso: The customer pays each day, every day
By Craig Webb

1. Set the terms. Although the project agreement is filled out by the project manager at the start of his work, that process doesn’t begin until after Get Dwell owner Darryl Rose has told the client “how much we cost, what our hourly rate is, if we have a day fee, and our payment terms. And our payment terms are, “We’re going to get paid that day.’”

2. Make it clear. If the customer is new, the project manager is to reply: “Let me review what our payment terms are and how it works.” If the customer is repeat business, the project manager says: “I just want to remind you how this [payment system] works.”
3. Offer daily reminders. The Scope of Work section is meant to lay out that day’s labors, even if there are indications a project will take several days to complete. Because a new sheet gets filled out daily, Get Dwell project managers can take the opportunity to stress each day that they expect to be paid at day’s end.
4. Circle the wagon. Project managers are instructed to circle the word “estimated” when they put in a price range for that day’s work to stress to the customer that costs might change if problems are discovered during the day.
5. Keep it legal. Illinois law requires a customer’s signature prior to engaging in projects that cost more than $1,000.
Download a PDF of the form here.
Craig Webb is president of Webb Analytics, a consulting company for construction supply dealers, distributors, vendors, and investors. Contact him at or 202.374.2068.