Get Dwell Press

Opinion: Local Hardware is Better

According to the North American Retail Hardware Association, money spent at a local hardware store vs. a big box store like Home Depot or Lowes allows 3x’s of the value of that money to go back into the local community. Now, five different family owned hardware stores on the North Shore (Lake Forest Hardware, Glenview True Value, Lemoi Ace Hardware in Evanston, Millen Hardware in Wilmette and Mutual Ace in Highland Park) are able to provide local installation services vs. those offered nationally by Home Depot and Lowes which, according to the NARHA, helps increase area home values and makes the surrounding community a better place to live.

The local hardware store has always been the best place for knowledgable product advice or for helpful how-tos.  Now these stores can be even more helpful if a project demands more skills than their customer has or if it requires more work than the customer is willing to tackle.

“If there is one thing we learned from the last recession” said Darryl Rose, President of Get Dwell, “if we do not shop or support these local businesses, they will not be here for us in the future.”

Based on the North Shore, Get Dwell partners with local family owned hardware stores to provide local, professional installation services for homeowners. From Remodeling and repairs to painting and installation, no project is too big or too small for Get Dwell. By recommending Get Dwell’s installation services, the hardware store owner can be confident that their customer will be handled professionally by an insured and certified local resource and the hardware store can continue to be a trusted resource for years to come. 

Darryl Rose
Get Dwell

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