Ice dams with icicles overflowing the gutters on a house

Top 10 December Home Tips

With the holiday season in full swing — and with winter set to make its official debut — this is the time of year many homeowners start exploring ways to make their homes snug, cheery and inviting for the season. With that in mind, this month’s home to-do list contains both holiday and cold-related items that can make the holidays brighter and safer, and make your home cozy and welcoming for both your family and your guests.
  1. Check humidifier on your furnace

If you have an HVAC system with a built-in humidifier, check the humidity setting. Most systems recommend maintaining a humidity level of 30–40% during winter months. Too much humidity can cause condensation in your attic that can lead to mold and mildew. Too little humidity can cause dry skin and aggravate allergies and asthma.

2. Have your snow rake ready

Melting snow can cause ice damming, a ridge of ice that forms at the edge of your roof preventing melting snow (water) from draining off. You can remove the snow with a snow roof rake before it melts and refreezes. If an ice dam has already formed, a snow rake can be used to prevent further damage. Now’s the time to purchase that snow rake at your local, family-owned hardware store — before they’re all gone!  

3. Check outdoor lights

Shorter days demand longer use of outdoor lighting. Make sure all your outdoor lights are working properly and providing adequate coverage. Install lighting along your footpaths now to prevent risky conditions as ice forms. Schedule a Get Dwell licensed electrician by selecting “Repair” here.

4. Sharpen your knives

Your kitchen knives get lots of use during the holiday season. Did you know that using a dull knife is more dangerous than using a sharp one? A sharp knife enables you to cut food easily, reducing the chances of slippage and injury to hands or fingers. Prepare for the festive feasts ahead by having your knives sharpened at your local, family-owned hardware store.

5. Clean range hood filter

Range hood filters trap grease. With increased use over the holidays, these can become a potential fire hazard. Many filters can be placed in the dishwasher for easy cleaning. 

6. Clean your chimney and fireplace

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) recommends yearly chimney cleaning. Hire a professional chimney sweep or pick up chimney cleaning brushes from your local hardware store.

7. Check out your chimney

By doing an exterior chimney check, you can detect early signs of needed repairs. Masonry issues only get worse over time. Look out for a cracked chimney cap, signs of efflorescence (white powder) on the bricks, mortar missing between the bricks, or spalling (face of the brick has broken off). If you notice any of these issues, learn more about Get Dwell’s chimney repair services here

8. Install grab bars for family and visiting guests

Installing grab bars in your shower and bath is an easy way to provide stability and safety for those you love. Pick up grab bars at your favorite family-owned hardware store and do it yourself — it’s an easy install. Or, Get Dwell can install them for you

9. Put out all-weather mats and boot trays

As snow and salt cover the sidewalks, prevent wet and slippery, salt-stained floors inside your home by placing all-weather mats and boot trays at your entrances. These can be found at your local hardware store. 

10. Use your smart devices to prevent fires

By setting a timer on your phone or smart speaker, you can remind yourself to blow out candles, turn off portable heaters and water the Christmas tree. Indoor evergreen trees quickly become fire hazards as they dry out. Ask your local hardware store for an extended water funnel to water your tree with ease.

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