“The wind is rising and the air is wild with leaves. We have had our summer evenings, now for October eves.”
Enjoy those eves knowing that you’ve taken steps to make your house snug, safe and comfortable in the cold months ahead.1. Avoid a Frosty, Costly Mistake
Do you know where your main water shut-off is? What about the one for your outside faucet? Unless your exterior faucet is frost-proof, you should turn off the water before the first freeze of the season by closing the shut-off valve inside the house that leads to the faucet. This spigot, also commonly called a sillcock (or hose bib) is a major cause of emergency plumbing calls and basement or crawlspace flooding. If the water gets inside it freezes and bursts … get out the mop! The solution: install a frost-proof faucet that traps the water inside the house so it doesn’t freeze. Be sure the faucet is insulated correctly and know that if you don’t disconnect your hose from the faucet before winter, the seals will burst, causing continuous drip, drip, dripping until it’s repaired or replaced, wasting water and money. To get a frost-free outside faucet that won’t freeze and burst in the cold weather, contact us today.

2. Keep Window Wells Well
One of the primary causes of catastrophic basement flooding in the Chicago area is below-ground basement windows. Water spilling over a gutter, coming out a downspout or overflowing from the yard are only some of the ways that window wells get filled with water, causing basement flooding. Custom window well covers fit any window well; installation includes a thorough cleaning, installation of drain guards, if needed, and a custom-built window well cover. These UV-stable covers allow 98% of the natural light to enter and can withstand 850 pounds of weight thus providing your window well and home the extra security it needs. Don’t wait until you’re knee-deep in basement water: schedule window well cover installation today.

3. Drain the Rain
While most basement windows come with wells, those wells can only hold so much water before it leaks through windows. Window wells primarily allow sunlight into a basement rather than preventing water from getting in. If your window wells are not covered but you have an installed drainage system, installing raised drain caps in the window wells will direct excess water away from your home. Pick them up at your local family-owned hardware store.

4. Keep Winter Where it Belongs: Outside!
Your attic acts a lot like the hat on your head. If your house is not bundled up with a good hat on its head, if it’s not well insulated — especially the attic — it will be cold, drafty and uncomfortable in winter. You’re also wasting money on your energy bills. There is an insulation that’s best for your home’s attic, walls, basement and crawlspaces. It might be spray foam, traditional insulation or some other safe, effective, environmentally friendly material. Schedule insulation installation to help make your home more comfortable and energy efficient.
5. To Everything … Turn, Turn, Turn … There is a Season …
Were you paying attention that day in elementary school when the lesson was that hot air rises? Another lesson: ceiling fans should run year-round to maximize comfort. In cold months, fans should spin clockwise to keep your home cozy by circulating warmed air and pushing it down from the ceiling, which can help save you money on energy bills. Look up: are your fans spinning in the right direction?

6. Stay Off That Ladder!
You risk injury every time you climb a ladder to clean gunk out of your gutters. Eliminate worrisome gutter cleaning for life while protecting your home with our time-tested and proven gutter guards. We use guards that are tough, attractive and the ones we think work best for Chicago’s weather extremes. Increase the value of your home, cut down on its maintenance and kick the ladder habit with our dependable gutter guards. Schedule gutter guard installation here
7. Light Your Way
The flashlight on your phone will do in a pinch, but every household needs a good heavy-duty flashlight or task light. You never know when you’ll need light bright enough to illuminate small details, reduce strain on the eyes, and avoid distracting shadows. And hey! What if the lights go out? Shop for flashlights and task lights at your local family-owned hardware store.

8. Winter’s Fury
Get your fence and gates repaired before the winter winds carry them onto your neighbors’ patio. No matter how strong your fence is, it’s vulnerable to damage. Heavy winds and rain can break boards or cause sections of a fence to fall. Over time, rain, sun and freezing weather cause most fencing to deteriorate. Whatever the cause, there will come a day when you need to repair your fence and/or gate. Whether a simple or complex fix, we can repair all types of fences, including wood, chain link, wrought iron, aluminum, composite, steel and vinyl. If your fence or gate is damaged beyond repair or you’re considering a different look for your property, schedule fence or gate repair here.
9. Take Fire Safety Seriously
Don’t wait until you smell smoke or see fire to figure out where your fire extinguishers are! The NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) recommends you have a fire extinguisher on every floor of your house and in the kitchen. Make sure they are mounted and not hidden behind cleaning supplies or clutter. Pick up new fire extinguishers at your local family-owned hardware store.
10. What’s Your Number?
Delivery trucks and cars slowing down or stopping to look for an address can create an unsafe situation. The days are growing shorter. If you need help lighting up your house number, schedule electrical services today.
Winter’s on the way! What needs doing around your house before bad weather arrives?